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What are CBG, CBC, CBD, and CBN? A Deep Dive into Cannabinoids

Posted on November 13, 2024

Key Takeaways:

Cannabis is a plant that contains many different kinds of substances and drugs called cannabinoids in common usage. These cannabinoids, such as CBD, CBG, CBC, and CBN, are also obtained from cannabis plants or their non-intoxicating counterpart, hemp plants. Every one of these compounds has a unique action on the body’s endocannabinoid system or the ECS, rendering various therapeutic effects and health benefits.

Understanding the Cannabinoids: CBG CBN and CBC

CBD (Cannabidiol): Probably the most popular group of compounds in this category, as it is not psychotropic, CBD potentialized pain relief, anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects. That would be, of course, a slight twist from THC, and there will definitely be no intoxication; hence the reason it is in high demand in tinctures, cakes, topicals, etc of cbd cannabis.

CBG (Cannabigerol): As it is regarded as the unusual mother of cannabinoids, CBG is the compound from which others, such as THC and CBD, develop further. While not present in large amounts previously, it has exhibited certain anti-inflammatory properties and might therefore be useful in treating nauseating pain. CBG can also affect the central as well as the peripheral nervous systems by acting on CB1 and CB2 receptors, respectively. Like CBD, this cannabinoid doesn’t affect the mind, but several studies indicate that it could be useful in treating diseases such as glaucoma, inflammatory bowel disease, and even cancer.

CBC (cannabichromene): While CBC will not likely be as well trusted as CBD or CBG, it is believed that it can enhance the entourage effect of other cannabinoids. Preliminary studies have also reported that CBC might be effective in the treatment of pain as well as in depression and other related disorders.

CBN (Cannabinol): CBN is a cannabis component that is formed with the changes of THC. In terms of psychoactive effects, CBN is comparable with some THC; however, it is often useful as an ingredient responsible for sleep, as it is also described as having soothing properties. CBN has shown potential for relieving chronic muscle pain, consistent with the potency of CBN in reducing discomfort. Like CBD, ‘CBN’ also interacts with ‘CB1’ and ‘CB2’ O-receptors but differently compared to other cannabinoids.

CBG vs CBN vs CBC vs CBD: Difference between All

The differences when comparing CBN vs. CBD, CBD vs. CBG, or CBC vs. CBD are pretty simple; it’s all about how cannabinoids interact with you and what are the possible positive effects they may have on your health.

CBD versus CBN: None of them is psychoactive, but most of CBD’s properties along the lines of treating anxiety, pain, and inflammation are greater than those of CBN, which is more helpful for sleep disturbances due to its potent sedating properties.

CBG versus CBD: CBD is a major cannabinoid, and CBG is minor, which in general terms means that usually there is more CBD in cannabis than CBG. Unlike CBG, acting as an antagonist to both CB1 and CB2 receptors, CBD modulates the production of endocannabinoids by influencing both CB1 and CB2 receptors without directly binding to them. Both are considered non-psychoactive and are elicited through benefits via the endocannabinoid system and can counteract THC’s psychoactive effects.

CBG versus CBN: Among the cannabinoid compounds such as CBG and CBN, CBG appears to have an upper hand in regard to the stimulation of appetite and can help combat inflammation, while the role of CBN is known to be linked with sleeping and its sedative effects. Still, studies have found that CBN might have some antibacterial activity, which can be useful against infections.

CBC vs CBD: Well, everybody knows that CBD has a wide range of health-related purposes. However, that may not be the case from the perspective of long-term pain, especially inflammation-focused pain-relieving therapies. CBC is an abstemious substance and initial studies indicate that it might be one of the contributors to the overall pain-killing ability of the cannabis plant through the entourage effect.

The Actions that Cannabinoids have and their Possible Healing Properties

CBD, CBG, CBC, and CBN work by interacting with the body’s receptors, namely CB1 and CB2 receptors. These belong to the group of receptors called the endocannabinoid system; this system helps coordinate in regulating several factors within the body, such as pain, emotional state, hunger, and immunity.

THC and Its Role in Cannabinoids

THC is known as a more common hydrophilic psychoactive substance in the plant of cannabis. Even though it generates intoxicating effects, later decomposition gives rise to CBN, which is non-intoxicating. Most isolates in CBD products allow up to 0.3% of THC to draw the benefits of this synergism without actually causing a buzz. Likewise, therapeutic mixtures comprising both THC and CBD oils have been developed and marketed for pain alleviation and general well-being.

Negative Effects And Things To Consider

Affecting people in different ways, the cannabinoids are no doubt very beneficial to the health. Side effects of CBN will deal mainly with drowsiness and dizziness, which also come from its soporific effect. It is also true that while generally it has no major side effects, mild side effects can be documented while using CBD, such as mild stomach upset, dry mouth, and appetite changes. Determining and advising an appropriate dose of a cannabinoid is complex, and it is particularly pertinent that patients do not take any cannabinoids unless instructed to do so by a physician.

Conclusion: A Look at Lesser Known Cannabinoids

Cannabinoids are biologically active substances that are produced by the cannabis plant and hemp plant and vary in their properties and medical uses. Of the more popular CBD and THC, there are other less thought-of yet rather interesting minor cannabinoids such as CBG, CBC, and CBN. Those who want to reduce chronic pain, cope with inflammation, or just want to enhance the quality of sleep can always resort to cannabinoids for a better, healthier sense.

Growing research suggests that cannabinoids like CBD, CBG, and CBN may offer health benefits. However, further studies are essential to understand the potential of various cannabinoids and to determine the most effective combinations for specific conditions or desired outcomes.